In its work, SIA "Auto pārstrāde" relies on cooperation with dozens of market participants. We are open to change and innovation. We will gratefully consider your offer or willingly offer ours.
In 2012, in accordance with the CM rules No.361 from 22.05.2012 “Rules for the application of the tax on natural resources to vehicles” based on the network of End-Of-Life vehicles collection sites (valid since 2005), SIA “Auto pārstrāde” has created the System of maintenance of end-of-life vehicles (System). On the basis of cooperation agreements, more than 40 independent enterprises were involved in the System. The service system with collection sites in all Regions of household waste management covers the whole territory of Latvia. In general, the capacity of the System allows to recycle all end-of-life vehicles of Latvia. At the moment, such a system is the only one in Latvia. (Read more).
Exemption from natural resources tax.
In accordance with the 7th article of the Law on Natural Resources Tax, a vehicle dealer may receive a tax exemption if he concludes an agreement with the manager on participation in the System of maintenance of end-of-life vehicles.
Such cooperation is offered on the same conditions to all car dealers. For using the advantages of the service system, the dealer pays a part of the saved tax for each car which for the first time was registered in Latvia. Also, the merchant is required to: provide a sales report for every quarter; at the beginning of each year, provide a consolidated report on vehicles registered over the past year; and support for information campaigns.
In cooperation with a car dealer, provides recycling of electric vehicles of a certain brand.
Recycling of abandoned vehicles.
After supplementing the legislation of Latvia with the rules of the Cabinet of Ministers from 04.10.05. No. 748 "On the procedure in which a vehicle is declared abandoned", SIA "Auto pārstrāde" has considered the possibility of cooperation with many local governments. Although a unified approach has not yet been established, the company is ready to offer a full range of services that will ensure the evacuation of the vehicle from the place of collection, its storage in a special parking lot and its transfer to the owner or transfer for recycling.